Journal of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy


Reappraisal of clinical data supports double IUI for improved pregnancy outcomes

G. Bahadur 1,2, R Homburg 2

1 Reproductive Medicine Unit, North Middlesex University Hospital, Old Admin Block, Sterling Way, London N18 1QX, UK;
2 Homerton Fertility Unit, Homerton University Hospital, Homerton Row, London E9 6SR, UK.


double IUI, infertility, male factor, pregnancy success

Published online: Nov 20 2018


Optimising pregnancy and live birth outcomes for fertility procedures is highly desirable and involves disentangling numerous potentially contributing factors. In IUI procedures would double inseminations within a cycle be beneficial? Despite mistaken belief amongst the fertility practitioners the available evidence including Cochrane review has suggested, there would be beneficial effects of utilising double IUI within a cycle. Here we examine new evidence attempting to clarify the role of double versus single IUI.