Journal of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy


Implementation of minimal invasive gynaecological surgery certification will challenge gynaecologists with new legal and ethical issues

V. Tanos1, R. Socolov2, P. Demetriou3, M. Kyprianou3, A. Watrelot4, Y. Van Belle5, R. Campo6

1Aretaeio Hospital and St Georges Medical School, Nicosia University, Nicosia, Cyprus.

2University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, Iasi, Romania.

32, Agias Elenis Street, Stasinos Building, 7th Floor, 1060 Nicosia, Cyprus.

4Hôpital NATECIA, 22 Avenue Rockefeller 69008-Lyon-France.

5European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery, Diestsevest 43, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.

6LIFE, Tiensevest 168, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.

Correspondence at: Vasilis Tanos, MD, PhD, Aretaeio Hospital and St Georges Medical School, Nicosia University Nicosia Cyprus. E-mail:


Diploma, ECRES, endoscopic surgery, ethics, GESEA, insurance companies, medical education, medico legal

Published online: Jun 30 2016


The introduction of a certification / diploma program in Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS) is expected to improve surgical performance, patient’s safety and outcome. The Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment programme (GESEA) and the ESHRE Certification for Reproductive Endoscopic Surgery (ECRES) provides a structured learning path, recognising different pillars of competence. In order to achieve a high level of competence a two steps validation is necessary: (a) the individual should be certified of having the appropriate theoretical knowledge and (b) the endoscopic psychomotor skills before entering in the diploma programme reflecting the surgical competence. The influence of such an educational and credentialing path could improve safety and offer financial benefits to the hospitals, physicians and healthcare authorities. Moreover the medicolegal consequences can be important when a significant amount of surgeons possess the different diplomas. As the programs are becoming universally accessible, recognised as the best scientific standard, included in the continuous medical education (CME) and continuous professional development (CPD), it is expected that a significant number of surgeons will soon accomplish the diploma path. The co-existence and practice of both non-certified and certified surgeons with different degrees of experience is unavoidable. However, it is expected that national health systems (NHS), hospitals and insurance companies will demand and hire doctors with high and specific proficiency to endoscopic surgery. When medico-legal cases are under investigation, the experts should be aware of the limitations that individual experience provides. The court first of all examines and then judges if there is negligence and decides accordingly. However, lack of certification may be considered as negligence by a surgeon operating a case that eventual faces litigation problems. Patients’ safety and objective preoperative counselling are mandatory, directly connected to MIS certification while eliminating any dispute of surgeons’ credibility.