Visual-Numeric Endometriosis Scoring System (VNESS) for mapping surgical findings: A validation study
S. Khazali, B. Mondelli, K. Fleischer, A. Bachi, M. Adamczyk, N. Lemos, H. Krentel, A. Vashisht, A. Abdalla, A. Mohazzab, G. Delanerolle, M. Possover, R. Padmehr, K. Shadjoo, G. Moawad, T. Lee, E. Saridogan
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Procedural and clinical outcomes of Adiana® hysteroscopic tubal occlusion in the Netherlands
D.M. van Gastel, L.W. Maassen, M.A.J.M. Van Erp, A.L.W.M. Coolen, A.L. Thurkow, C.A.M. Koks, S. Veersema, M.Y. Bongers
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Artificial Intelligence, the ChatGPT Large Language Model: Assessing the Accuracy of Responses to the Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) Level 1-2 knowledge tests
M. Pavone, L. Palmieri, N. Bizzarri, A. Rosati, F. Campolo, C. Innocenzi, C. Taliento, S. Restaino, U. Catena, G. Vizzielli, C. Akladios, M.M. Ianieri, J. Marescaux, R. Campo, F. Fanfani, G. Scambia
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Sexual function after surgically corrected menstrual outflow obstruction due to congenital anomalies
L. Martens, M.A. Spath, M.A. van Beek, W.N.P. Willemsen, K.B. Kluivers
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Laparoscopic training should be equitable for all: the impact of a mandatory, cost-neutral simulation training programme incorporating a free take-home box trainer
N. Harvey, L. Beard, N. Abdulkader, C. Goumalatsou, M. Adamczyk, R. Mallick
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